puffffff….this one has been a very long work,
hope you like the results: [bigger video on vimeo here]
directed and animated by BLU
produced and distributed by ARTSH.it (send your enquiries there)
I just want to say THANKS! to all the friends who helped me during the last year: xm24 bologna, csoa mezzacanaja, ericailcane, robert rebotti, andrea bagni, paper resistance, studiocromie, rifrazioni festival, sasso passo, sibe, festival de cine experimental de maldonado (uruguay), jasmine, fede, deitch, i guardiani della torre, gianluigi toccafondo, orilo, maria de brea, bs as stencil, run don’t walk, franco fasoli, modo infoshop, pietro and icone festival, doma, cesare, my family, popup festival and andrea martignoni. I am sorry for the low audio/video quality, it should be seen on bigger screens with good speakers…